The History of Forms Exhibit Cover

自12世纪以来,形式书一直是英美法律文学的主要内容. These books, often called books of precedents, 提供表格或样本文件,帮助律师准备法律文件. The proliferation of this type of source makes sense. Lawyers spend a great deal of time drafting pleadings, motions, briefs, contracts, articles of incorporation, bylaws--the list goes on.

Today, many sources of forms are digital (think of Westlaw’s FormFinder; annotated forms on Practical Law and Lexis Practice Advisor; and many others, both free and subscription), allowing for quick editing and customization. 本次展览着眼于这些需求电子资源的先驱,并考察了我们法律文献中为律师起草任务提供表格的悠久传统.

展览由劳雷尔·戴维斯策划,珍本图书馆长/法律参考馆员. It will remain on view until February 2017. Please come in and take a look!

The exhibit catalog is available to download.

Daniel R. Coquillette Rare Book Room


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